تشغيل تلقائي
اكمال تلقائي
الدرس السابق
اكتمل واستمر للتالي
Node.js : Authentication and Authorization
Node.js : Authentication and Authorization
1- Introduction.cmproj (1:19)
2-Authentication vs Autherization.cmproj (3:35)
3-User Schema and Model.cmproj (5:15)
4-User Service and Route.cmproj (10:22)
7-Apply Password Confirmation.cmproj (4:25)
8-Hash user password on create.cmproj (5:51)
9-Hash User password on update.cmproj (10:23)
10-Enhance Change password.cmproj (15:18)
11-Enhance User Validation.cmproj (1:28)
12-How JWT Work with Authentication.cmproj (4:31)
13-Signup.cmproj (19:44)
14-Login.cmproj (14:41)
15-Protect part -1 (Check if token exists).cmproj (15:06)
16- Protect part -2 (Verify token).cmproj (15:17)
17-Protect part -3 (Check if user for token exist).cmproj (4:10)
18-Protect part -4 (check if user change his passord after token created).cmproj (15:17)
19-Postman Configration.cmproj (9:17)
20-Authorization (User Permissions).cmproj (13:03)
21-Protect other routes.cmproj (6:32)
22-Forgot Password (Overview).cmproj (3:43)
25-Send Reset Code via email.cmproj (32:14)
23-Forgot Password (Check if user exists).cmproj (5:20)
24-Forgot Password (Generate random reset code).cmproj (15:30)
26-Forgot password (Verify reset code).cmproj (11:17)
27-Forgot Password (Reset Password).cmproj (13:01)
28-Get Logged User data.cmproj (9:29)
29-Update Logged User Password.cmproj (12:33)
30-Update Logged User Data.cmproj (8:43)
31-Deactivate Logged User .cmproj (5:24)
32-Summary.cmproj (2:41)
12-How JWT Work with Authentication.cmproj
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