تشغيل تلقائي
اكمال تلقائي
الدرس السابق
اكتمل واستمر للتالي
Learn Nest.js Framework in Details
Section 01: Knowing Nest And It's Parts
01.What is Nestjs Framework (11:00)
1.Course Goal (7:52)
2.Install Nestjs CLI and Generate our First Nest Application (7:57)
3.First Look at Nestjs Application Architecture (16:34)
4.Http Implementation Inside Nestjs (5:08)
5.What is the Nestjs Parts (2:42)
6.What is the Root Module (11:03)
7-Request Response Cycle (9:09)
8.Create our First Controller (13:02)
9-What is Resource Controller (11:47)
11-Route Parameters (6:51)
10-Request Object (4:59)
12-Request Body (3:42)
13-Status Code and Response (10:55)
14-Request Payload (DTO) (6:05)
15-Update DTO (7:49)
16-Find, FindOne and Create Logic (11:28)
17-Update and Delete Logic (11:46)
18-Section Summary (3:43)
Section 02: Nest Validation And Dependency Injection
19-Nestjs Validation Using Pipes (7:12)
20-Validate Path Param Using Built-in Pipes (12:06)
21-Validate Input Data in DTO (14:26)
22-Validation Rule Options (8:12)
23-Validation Pipe Whitelist (5:55)
24-Built-in Pipes (8:58)
25-Validation Pipe in Deep (9:17)
26- Section Summary (3:56)
Section 03: Nest Dependency Injection And IoC In Deep
28-Move User Logic To User Service Layer (8:43)
27-Why We Need a Service Layer (5:29)
29-Refactor User Controller To Use User Service (4:49)
30-Explain Dependency Injection and IoC (12:15)
31-How Nest Use Dependency Injection And IoC (13:07)
32-Do a Manual Test After Moving Logic To Service (2:15)
33-Introduction To Practical Dependency Injection Example (6:14)
34-Create Project Modules (11:22)
35-Implement Dependency Between Engine And Battery Modules (11:43)
36-Implement Dependency Between Conditioner And Engine Modules (6:22)
37-Implement Car Dependencies (8:55)
38-Section Summary (6:00)
Section 04: Nest Providers In Deep
39-What Is The Standard Provider (9:52)
40-Why We Need a Custom Provider And It's Types (2:44)
41-Value Provider (10:17)
42-Non-class-based Provider Token (5:27)
43-Class Providers (3:58)
44-Factory Provider (14:19)
45-Alias Providers (6:13)
46-Non-Service Based Providers (3:29)
47-Export Custom Provider (3:45)
48-Asynchronous Providers (8:34)
49-Default Provider Scope (9:11)
50-TransientProvider Scope (6:25)
51-Request Provider Scope (6:31)
52-Section Summary (3:01)
section-5 Interceptors return a custom response
53-Interceptor overview and explain the problem (6:52)
54-User Response DTO Part-1 (7:36)
55-User Response DTO Part-2 (5:03)
56-Add built-in interceptor (8:26)
57-Transform property using expose decorator (8:27)
58-More about interceptors (6:51)
59-Custom interceptor real use case -1 (23:51)
60-Custom interceptor use case -2 (26:45)
61-Scopes of blocks (16:07)
62-Section-5 Summary (8:37)
section-6- Nest Exception Filters
63-What is exception filter (11:19)
64-Throwing standard exceptions (4:20)
65-Some Types of Exceptions and Custom http exceptions (9:27)
66-Deep understanding for global built-in exception filter (4:10)
67-Use Cases For Exceptions Filters (5:10)
68-Full control over the exception filter layer (19:35)
69-Exception filter example recap (5:29)
70-Arguments host (5:30)
71-Filters Binding (2:20)
72-Use exception filter to catch everything (3:12)
73-inherits the built-in global filter (5:18)
74-Section-6 summary (2:16)
section-7-Guards And Middleware
75-What is Guard (11:49)
76-Guard Use Cases (5:48)
77-Implement Authentication Use Case (22:34)
78-Explain Another Use Case For Using Guards (6:06)
79-Use SetMetadata To Provide Metadata For Handler (10:52)
80-Another Use Case For Using Guards (12:17)
81-What is Middleware (11:35)
82-Nest Class Middleware VS Function Middleware (11:47)
83-Binding Nest Middleware (14:31)
84-Excluding Routes (6:05)
85-More About Middleware (11:33)
86-section-7 Summary (9:10)
section-8-App Configurations and Logging
87-Why we need different app configurations (9:07)
88-Built-in Nest Config Module (7:06)
89-Custom env file path (13:27)
90-Disable env variables and use the config module global (3:55)
91-Custom Configuration Files (13:42)
92-Use Config service to access env variables (7:31)
93-Benefit of isGlobal option (3:18)
94-Explain expandVariables option (3:28)
95-prevent accessing a config property that does not exist (10:35)
96-Add env files to .gitignore (8:11)
97-What is Logging (3:33)
98-Logging Use cases (6:30)
99-Implement logging using built-in Logger class (15:04)
100-Other tools for logging (7:05)
101-Section-8 summary (4:00)
Section-9 Introduction to Databases
102-Introduction To Integration With Database (3:59)
103-Types Of Databases (5:46)
104-When We Use Relational and Non-relational Database (8:57)
105-Places To Setup Database (5:43)
106-We Will Using Docker (8:57)
107-Benefits Of Using Docker (6:02)
108-Install Docker Desktop (9:49)
109-Nest is Database Agnostic (11:55)
110-Clone the DB Starter Project (6:09)
111-Explain the Starter DB Project (4:18)
112-Validate ENV Variables (10:42)
113-Prepare SQL and NoSQL Git Branches (5:07)
114-Explain docker-compose.yml File (16:05)
115-Run Services Using Docker Compose (14:35)
116-Connect DB GUI With Postgres DB (7:08)
117-Section-9 Recap (11:50)
section-10-Integrate Our NestJS App with SQL DB (Postgres)
118-What is ORM and ODM as a Techniques (17:28)
119-More About ORMs (12:01)
120-Connect Our Nest App With Postgres Container (23:59)
121-How ORM Database Abstraction Layer Works (2:24)
122-ORM Main Components (6:17)
123-TypeORM Entity (11:15)
124-TypeORM Entity Column Types (3:02)
125-TypeORM Repository (9:29)
126-Make CRUD Operation Using User Repository (6:45)
127-Refactor User Controller (6:26)
128-Test Our CRUD Operations On Postman (11:33)
129-Section-10 Summary (10:09)
Section-11-Integration With MognoDB
130-Introduction (6:04)
131-Add Mongo Service In Docker-Compose (12:46)
132-Connect Compass GUI With Mongo Docker Container (3:06)
133-Connect Our Nest App with Mongo Container (7:16)
134-Define User Schema (13:38)
135-Inject User Model in User Service (5:54)
136-Refactor User Service (10:06)
137-Refactor User Controller (5:59)
138-Test Users CRUD Operations (7:48)
139-Validate MongoID In Params (18:16)
140-Take a Look On Documentation (6:40)
141-Push Code To Github (5:30)
142-Section-11 Recap (4:56)
Multi Language Application Using (nestjs-i18n)
143-Introduction (8:45)
144-Translation Use Cases (4:02)
145-Clone the Starter Repo (10:57)
146-Setup Translation Files (8:04)
147-Module Setup, I18n Options and Resolvers (9:39)
148-Translate Http Exception Message (15:13)
149-Refactor I18n Service (12:16)
151-Create a MongoDB Document with multi language (23:07)
150-Translate Input Validation Message (19:58)
152-Get Localized Data From MongoDB Depend on Front-end Request (14:11)
153-Validate the localized field (16:33)
File Management (التعامل مع الملفات)
154-Introduction - المقدمة (3:18)
155-section outline - محتوي السكشن (2:07)
156-Take a look to documentation - الرجوع للدوكمنتيشن (11:21)
157-Create project - إنشاء مشروع جديد (5:02)
158-Single file management - التعامل مع ملف واحد (18:17)
159-Array of files management - التعامل مع عدة ملفات (10:37)
160-Use Built-in parse file pipe to validate single file - عملية التحقق لملف واحد (17:01)
161-Use built-in parse file pipe to validate multiple files - عملية التحقق لاكثر من ملف (7:02)
162-Explain the problem with built-in file type validator (13:25)
163-Explain File Signature (16:20)
164-Note about large files (5:05)
165-Implement custom file signature validator (27:22)
166-Use File signature validator to validate array of files (11:04)
167-Refactoring-part-1 (7:10)
168-Refactoring-part-2 (7:59)
169-Refactoring-part-3 (13:19)
170-Refactoring-part-4 (6:26)
171-Refactoring-part-5 (11:24)
172-Refactoring-part-6 (10:22)
173-Refactoring-part-7 (12:21)
70-Arguments host
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